Sinking of mine shafts using new technologies
On September 10, 2024, representatives of Przedsiębiorstwo Budowy Kopalń PeBeKa S.A. visited HERRENKNECHT in Schwanau, Germany. The visit was related to PeBeKa's search for new technologies and equipment for sinking shafts, thanks to which it will be possible to meet the expectations of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. regarding the construction of further shafts for LGOM mines.
HERRENKNECHT is one of the world leaders in the industry of specialist machines for tunnel and shaft mining. It achieved this position thanks to its participation in many different shaft projects carried out in a short time, which allowed for a quick analysis of the solutions used and their ongoing improvement and introduction of innovations. At the meeting, representatives of HERRENKNECHT presented a range of production possibilities of machines from various industries. Mining shaft projects from all over the world were discussed, implemented using rock mining machines designed and manufactured by HERRENKNECHT. Particular emphasis was placed on technical solutions that can be used in geological conditions occurring when sinking shafts for the KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. mine. The presented proposals were characterized by a great variety of technical solutions and possibilities adapted to the needs of the investment and the technology of sinking the entire shaft.
- This was certainly not the last meeting of PeBeKa with HERRENKNECHT. It will be necessary to discuss certain solutions in more detail, but in mutual cooperation with the leaders of this industry we see great potential, thanks to which it will be possible to shorten the time of implementation of individual shaft investments and earlier inclusion of shafts in the mine ventilation network - says Jacek Kulicki, President of the Management Board.